Monday, December 27, 2010

Letting it Go...

I've been reading Exodus for the past month... And although I always loved the accounts of what happened, I felt like it would merely be a history lesson... How wrong I was.

So if you haven't read Exodus in a while, here's the Coles Notes version of Israel's retreat from Egypt, in 3 paragraphs. Okay so this dude named Moses and His brother Aaron go to Pharoah, asking Him to release the Israelite slaves from Egypt (well, actually they tell a white lie and say they're going for a few days, not fleeing for all time). But God hardens Pharoah's heart and sends 10 plagues (we're talking flies, gnats, blood, hail, boils, death, the works) in order for all of Egypt to know that He is Lord. Eventually, God takes Pharoah's first born son, and Pharoah lets them leave momentarily before he changes his mind and chases them with all of Egypt's best army guys into a watery death. The end!

Okay so that was a super condensed and casual version of it - my translation... Here's some real biblical Truth:

Exodus 9:13 (NLT)
Then the Lord said to Moses, "Get up early in the morning and stand before Pharaoh. Tell him, 'This is what the Lord, the God of the Hebrews, says: Let my people go, so they can worship me.

Or as I read it, "LET IT GO, SO YOU CAN WORSHIP ME." Wow. I've been holding onto a lot lately. I've carried my own mini plagues on my shoulders. I've gone back and forth on these issues, and my heart has been hardened by all of the hurt and difficult times, just like Pharoah's. And still I cant seem to let it go. But perhaps these plagues in my life will be used for God to reveal Himself, to finally work a miracle in my life.

I'll admit, I don't think I'm at that stage yet. Pharoah needed to hit rock bottom in order to let it go. His first born son literally died, as did others as a result of his stubbornness. There are times where I feel like I've definitely hit rock bottom. Perhaps you must die to yourself, lose a part of yourself, to hit that rock bottom in order to let it go and feel God's salvation.

The challenge: God causes plagues to strike us in order for us to realize that He is Lord. Will you be stubborn, or will you let go and let God?

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