Friday, February 25, 2011

Worship - Mashup: Unashamed / Amazed

Recorded from MCBC Sunday Service: Rebecca L (lead vocals, keys) / Daphne C (piano, vocals) / Keith L (acoustic, vocals) / Bonnie W (acoustic) / Dan K (bass) / Jeff P (drums)

I have not much to offer You, not near what You deserve
But still I come because Your cross has placed in me worth
Oh Christ my King of sympathy whose wounds secure at peace
Your grace extends to call me friend, Your mercy sets me free

I know I'm weak, I know I'm unworthy to call upon Your name
But because of grace, because of Your mercy I stand here unashamed

I can't explain this kind of love - I'm humbled and amazed
That you'd come down from Heaven's heights and greet me face to face

I know I'm weak, I know I'm unworthy to call upon Your name
But because of grace, because of Your mercy I stand here unashamed

Lord I'm amazed by You
Lord I'm amazed by You
Lord I'm amazed by You, how You love me

Here I am at Your feet in my brokenness complete
Here I am at Your feet in my brokenness complete

I know I'm weak, I know I'm unworthy to call upon Your name
But because of grace, because of Your mercy I stand here unashamed

How wide, how deep, how great is Your love for me
How wide, how deep, how great is Your love for me

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Christ's Love and Basketball...

I remember the first big crush that I ever had - he was one of the most popular boys at school in grade 6, and he was good at everything. He was smart, he was athletic, musical, and cute! Alas, I was smitten. Of course, my grade 6 mind couldn't possibly imagine telling him or ever letting him know that I had a thing for him despite the fact that we had some classes together and we sat right next to each other. So for years, I never let him know that I was head over heels for him. (Even to this day, we are good friends and that grade 6 mentality still tells me to never ever let him know... Actually he probably figured it out in grade 6... I wasn't very stealth haha.)

But don't get me wrong - I found ways to interact and do things with him, hoping all the while that he would never find out that I liked him. He was athletic, so I joined all the sports clubs and teams that I could. In fact, I picked up basketball because of him. At the time, there was a sports club that you could join, and knowing that this was the type of thing he would join, I picked up basketball and learned to get really good at it! Sure enough, he joined the club haha. Within a year, I loved basketball. It was my favourite sport, and even going into high school, it was my primary sport up until my knee injury. By that time I'd forgotten the real reason that I'd picked up the sport because I loved the game.

Such is the story of how many people find Christ. Often people will go to a conference, or an event for very wrong reasons (i.e. lots of people join Christian softball leagues in order to find a girlfriend or boyfriend), but often God has a greater plan than that and we end up finding Him amongst our wrong motives - and we come to love Him and form a real relationship with Him. It doesn't mean it's right, but it means God's plan is greater than our small intentions.

But it doesn't stop there. Christ's changing power demands that once we have engaged in a relationship with Him that we make our future decisions intentional for His purposes... no longer should we involve ourselves in activities for our own motives (a boy we like for example haha), but now that we have been transformed, so should our motives behind our decisions. Christ should now consistently be the reasons behind our actions. If we truly attest that we have experienced Christ's love, then it should only be natural that we abandon our own motives to strive for His alone, in confidence that God will provide for those other things that He knows we need.

2 Corinthians 5:13-17 (NIV)
If we are out of our mind, it is for the sake of God; if we are in our right mind, it is for you. [14] For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. [15] And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again. [16] So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. [17] Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

The challenge: What's motivating you? Do you make decisions for yourself, or for His glory? What's your life's mission statement?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Unrecognized Footprints

I'd tell you to close your eyes for this exercise, but then you wouldn't be able to read it. So. Here goes. Imagine where you live. Perhaps it's on Bayview Avenue... Bayview Avenue... is just really a street, in the city of North York. North York is a tiny part of the Greater Toronto Area. The GTA is really a city in the province of Ontario, which is one of many in the country of Canada, on a continent called North America. North America is one continent on the Earth, which is part of the milky way, in the Solar System, in the Galaxy. Get the point? If you don't feel really small right about now, maybe you needed to do it with your eyes closed haha.

Romans 1:20 (NLT)
For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.

This verse has really stood out to me. God drops big anvils on us to remind us that He is Lord, and yet we accept what we see as the norm, and forget to give Him the glory. When was the last time we had to think about taking a breath, to hope that if we jump, that we'd land back on the ground? All of creation is balanced in this perfect system... and yet we aren't amazed?

God also gives us little hints that he's around. At a time where I was going through a really tough time, I remember putting on a really good act, trying to pretend that everything was okay and that I wasn't upset. Inside, I was drained, and felt like following God's commands was not only a thankless, lonely, and difficult work, but that God wasn't going to be pleased with my offering or that I was failing by being so tired and drained by life's stresses. That day after service, a complete stranger came up to me in the foyer and said, "Keep up the hard work, because your efforts are appreciated. Good job." I nearly bawled my eyes out right then and there.

I remember once praying: "God, are You even hearing me?" And it took me a long time to realize that it was I who wasn't listening to His response.

The challenge: Perhaps it's the little things that count more, but whether big or small, God demonstrates His presence every second of every day. Question is... did you catch it?