GENERAL GREY: They're getting ready to fire the big gun. You're going to have to find a vulnerable spot, fast.
Sure enough, the SCHISM is opening, preparing to fire the WALL OF DESTRUCTION. The President locks the SCHISM hatchway into the center of his HUD (heads up display). Just as he FIRES, Eagle 9 is BLOWN OUT OF THE SKY. It rocks the President, sending his missile off target. Off balance, the missile hits just wide of the hatchway and EXPLODES, rocking the entire ship.
PRESIDENT: I'm out of missiles! Eagle 2?

EAGLE #2 PILOT: I'm on it.
But before he can target, his fighter EXPLODES.
GENERAL GREY: We're out of time. Get out of there! Get as far away as you can.
PRESIDENT: Doesn't anyone have any damned missiles left?!
RUSSELL (O.S.): Sorry I'm late, Mr. President.
Russell ZOOMS past the President and alien attackers, barely missing their FIRE.
PRESIDENT: Who is that? What are you doing?
RUSSELL: It's okay, Sir. I'm packin'.

We SEE he has a large MISSILES. A light flashes ARMED. Russell heads directly TOWARDS THE SCHISM. Everyone is gripped to the screen as we see it get closer and closer to the closing bay doors. Russell attempts to fire the missile... but...
RUSSELL: It's jammed! Do me one favor... tell my children I love them very much.
Russell nears the SCHISM, a hail of alien firepower erupting around him.
MIGUEL: Dad! No!
Russell turns off his radio as he banks UPWARD towards the open SCHISM. Suddenly the bright lights VANISH and the beam begins to form. Russell's bi-wing just makes it INSIDE THE OPEN SCHISM and disappears from view. Suddenly, A GIGANTIC EXPLOSION, RIPS THROUGH THE CENTER OF THE SPACE CRAFT causing a CHAIN REACTION of explosion. The command room erupts in CHEERS. Everyone, that is, except Miguel.
GENERAL GREY: Miguel, you should be proud.
Intercepting the celebration, General Grey moves over to a radio technician.
PRESIDENT: Let's get on the wire. Tell every squadron around the world how to shoot those suckers down.

I love movies. And I love when movies draw pictures of what the Christian life is like.
Often we find ourselves waging a battle against the sin that has taken over our lives, or a difficult time or burden in our lives... and it seems as if no matter what you throw at it... it just explodes all around you and the problem is still ever present. It can seem like you're out of time and you just need to get out, to run away.
Thankfully, Christ, from humble beginnings, just like Russell, loves his children. Such that he sacrifices his life for our salvation. In the light of Christ's death, sin is defeated. We are shown that our continued efforts to fight turmoil are meaningless without trusting the burden to Christ's sacrifice.
And we should be proud. Not of ourselves, because we did nothing, but of Christ. So much to the point that we feel the imminent need to "get on the wire" and tell everyone around the world how to take sin down.
The challenge: If all this time you've been wandering your life and not spreading the gospel, the message has never been more clear. Come and see, go and tell. Welcome to earth.